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3 Health Benefits Of Cleaning Your Mattress

Posted on December 2, 2022

Most often, cleaning is used for aesthetic concerns. To remove stains or even get rid of an odor. But as the last few years have taught us, cleaning can also play a large role in making sure you are healthy. But standard cleaning does not address every health risk.

When you invest in hiring a steam cleaning service, you can clean far more effectively. But you still need to clean all the surfaces that present a threat. And one service you should certainly consider cleaning, for the sake of your health, is your mattress.

1. Allergen Elimination

When most people think of allergies, they think about the changing seasons that bring about an excess of pollen. But there are far more irritants than just pollen, and no matter how mild a reaction they cause, they can still end up harming your health when they end up on your mattress.

A good night of sleep is one of the best things for your overall health. And if you are congested or developing a rash, you are most likely not falling into a restful slumber. But with a standard mattress cleaning, you can eliminate most allergens and increase the quality of your sleep.

If you think washing your sheets and pillowcases will be enough to take care of this issue, you are mistaken. It is certainly a necessary step, but all of the irritating substances on your bedding will have transferred to your mattress little by little. And with enough time without a mattress cleaning, there will be enough of a deposit to start affecting your sleep and your health.

2. Clear Away Mold

Mattresses can develop mold. Mold is a fungus, and it comes in a vast variety of harmful forms. Just how damaging the mold on your mattress is cannot be easily assessed without proper training, so if you see any discoloration, it is a good idea to have it cleaned immediately.

In the cases of the least aggressive types of mold, you can still have allergic reactions. And as we have already covered, that presents more serious health risks than you would expect. But in extreme cases of harmful mold, you can suffer respiratory issues and other long term health complications by being in prolonged direct contact.

As opposed to mold on walls or the ground (which should also be cleaned), you spend at least several hours in direct uninterrupted contact with your mattress every night. And if you are getting the recommended eight hours, it makes calling for mattress cleaning a must. Or else you are stewing in a health hazard.

3. Remove Harmful Chemicals

It is a good idea to clean a mattress before you sleep on it. During the shipping process and even the manufacturing, there are many chemicals and harmful substances a mattress will interact with. There may even be chemicals placed on the mattress to keep pests from burrowing or tearing into the fabric while it was stored.

Certain types of pet waste can be very harmful to humans. For example, cat urine contains chemicals that can harm fetuses and cause pneumonia. Excrement of any kind can have dangerous chemicals as well, even parasites.

You might think to use carpet cleaning services to deal with the unsightly nature of pet stains, but it is even more important to use mattress cleaning if these substances end up in your bed. We are talking about microscopic bacteria and parasites that can easily penetrate sheets into the mattress itself.

Final Thoughts

If you are dealing with allergic reactions, mold, or any other harmful chemicals, you need mattress cleaning. But who cleans mattresses? You can contact Supreme Carpet Cleaning. Don’t let the name fool you. We have a whole host of services you can use to clean your home, including mattress cleaning.

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